Moving has taken over my life, but I managed to get many boxes unpacked over the weekend. I wish I counted how many boxes of books we had...but it was wonderful to uncover old friends. The house is shaping up nicely, and tonight I hope to begin tackling the room of hell, aka the room where I dumped everything I didn't want to deal with yet.
I finished a book over the last few weeks, A Wedding in December by Anita Shreve (13). Shreve is someone I turn to when I need mindless reading. This was much better than I expected. She juxtaposes the wedding of two former classmates who were apart for many years after being high school sweethearts--they are now in their early 40s--with the tale of a young doctor in Halifax during WWI. Both stories were captivating.
Now I'm reading Sister Carrie, which is much better than I expected. It's part of my project of reading both the Radcliffe and Modern Library 100 best fiction lists.
I'm still knitting the denim baby pants from Last-Minute Knitted Gifts. It's good to have an easy project while my life is so chaotic, and they're going to be adorable. Next I hope to make some baby hats for Afghans for Afgans, but my mom is nagging me to knit the teddy bear I promised her last May.
I also found a co-op in the neighborhood and signed up for a share of veggies for next week. Next Saturday, I'm going to explore the organic farmers market before taking a beading class, something I've wanted to try for a long time. I was relieved to find good supplies of organic produce; Sweetie and I have been spoiled by living around the corner from an organic market. I didn't know if they would have anything like it in Houston. It's even better to buy straight from the source.